Classic ELITE Buick GMC Espanol-logo



Classic ELITE Buick GMC Espanol-logo

2023 GMC®

Millas: 0 • VIN: SBW23027541 • Stock #: G23027541

MSRP: $4,999

Descuento del Concesionario:


Precio del Concesionario:


Vehicle Specifications

Número de inventarioG23027541
Tipo de vehículoOther
ConcesionarioClassic ELITE Buick GMC
Tipo de combustibleOther



    • Sunday:Cerrado
    • Monday:8:30am - 8:00pm
    • Tuesday:8:30am - 8:00pm
    • Wednesday:8:30am - 8:00pm
    • Thursday:8:30am - 8:00pm
    • Friday:8:30am - 8:00pm
    • Saturday:8:30am - 8:00pm

    Address and contact information

    16835 Katy Fwy, Houston, Texas 77094

    (281) 579-5192


    Número de inventario:
    Classic ELITE Buick GMC

    Etiqueta de la ventana

    Precio del Concesionario


    Descargo de responsabilidad

    You are viewing a disclaimer about a vehicle that is located at Classic ELITE Buick GMC.

    To inquire about this vehicle or the contents of this disclaimer, we encourage you to call Classic ELITE Buick GMC at (281) 579-5192. To contact Classic ELITE Buick GMC Espanol instead, call us at (281) 243-1161.

    The information presented on this website, specifically including the pricing details for new and used cars, aims to be accurate and reliable. Despite our efforts to maintain precision, we offer no guarantees or warranties, either express or implied, concerning the completeness, accuracy, or suitability of the pricing information. Due to market conditions and other factors, all listed figures are subject to change without notice. Therefore, it is imperative to verify all pricing and associated details directly with the dealer or relevant financial institutions.

    It is important to note that any figures pertaining to Annual Percentage Rates (APR), down payments, or estimated monthly payments are provided for illustrative purposes only and do not constitute an offer for finance or credit. These figures are not sourced from any lenders, financial institutions, or indicative of any actual loan or financing offers.

    Your utilization of this website and your reliance on any information herein are exclusively at your own risk. We expressly disclaim all liability for any loss, damage, or inconvenience that may arise from the use of or reliance upon the information contained on this website.


    Vehicle Availability
    Vehicles shown on this site may not currently be in dealer's inventory. Additionally, vehicles shown may be in the inventory of a partner dealership or a dealership with shared ownership. If this is the case, this vehicle is not in our inventory but can be made available to you at dealer's location within a reasonable time.


    EPA Disclaimer
    Any MPG listed is based on model year EPA mileage ratings. Use for comparison purposes only. Your actual mileage will vary, depending on how you drive and maintain your vehicle, driving conditions, battery pack age/condition (hybrid only) and other factors. For additional information about EPA ratings, visit

    2023 GMC®



    Precio del Concesionario


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